Today we're starting a new Unit "The European Union".
Today's lesson objectives:
1. Recognise and identify the EU's flag and anthem.
2. Understand the origins of the European Union.
3. Understand what the European Union is.

The Flag of Europe

The European Flag is an official symbol used by two separate organisations, the Council of  Europe (Consejo Europeo) and the European Union itself (EU). Originally the flag was designed in 1955 for the Council of Europe but later it was adopted by the  European Union.
It consists of a circle of twelve golden stars on a blue background.
The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of member countries. 
The figure twelve is considered the symbol of perfection and completeness. 
The stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of unity.
Therefore, they stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe.

The European anthem

Do you know the European anthem? I'm sure you've heard it many times! 
You're going to hear a recording of and about the European anthem.
Read the following questions and after listening answer them. 
Write your answers in the blog.   
Click on the link to ➞👂 AUDIO ANTHEM
Answer the questions:
a) What is the name of the European anthem?
    1. Ode to Joy      2. Europa       3. Old Continent
b) Who composed the anthem?
    1. W.A.Mozart     2. Ludwig van Beethoven   3. Robert Schumann
c) When was it compsed?
    1. 1832       2. 1823       3. 1834

The origins of the European Union
Coal - Carbón
Steel - Acero
Listen to the➞👂 AUDIO and read:
The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was formally established in 1951 by the Treaty of Paris
It was signed by Belguim, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Gemany. 
Although it entered into force (entró en vigor) in 1952.
Watch these short videos to understand better the history of the EU.
This one is explained by the girl of your age

What's the European Union?
Open your books on page 20. 
Listen and read "What's the European Union?"
Click on the link ➞👂AUDIO PAGE 20
Click on the link ➞👂AUDIO PAGE 21

Study this Timeline and then take a Quiz to check what you know about the European Union.
Click on the link ➨ QUIZ "EUROPEAN UNION"


  1. a)-1- Ode to hoy
    b)-2- Ludwig van Beethoven
    c)-2- 1823

  2. 1- Ode to Joy
    2-Ludwig van Beethoven
    3-In 1823

  3. María C.

    1. The name of the European anthem is "Ode to Joy".
    2. It was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven.
    3. It was composed in 1823.

  4. 1. "Ode to Joy"
    2. Ludwig van Beethoven
    3. In 1823

  5. 1 -Ode to Joy
    2- Lwduing van Beetoven
    3- 1823


  6. 1- a) Ode to Joy
    2- b) Lwduing van Beetoven
    3- c) 1823


  7. a)What is the name of the European anthem?

    1.Ode to Joy

    b)Who composed the anthem?

    2.Ludwing van Beethoven

    c)When was it compsed?


    I´m Victoria:)

  8. 1-Ode to Joy.
    2-Ludwing van Beethoven.
    3- 1823.

  9. CARLA V.

    1- Ode to Joy.
    2-Ludwig van Beethoven.
    3-In 1823.

  10. a) 1 Ode to hoy
    b) 2 Ludwig van Beethoven
    c) 2 1823



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