ENGLISH 10-06-2020

Today we're going to review the grammar and vocabulary from the Unit 7.
Tomorrow you're going to complete the Unit 7 TEST.
1 Activity.
Read these questions. Then watch the video about Greta's journey and answer the questions.
1. When did Shona move to Ireland?
2. How many suitcases did they pack?
3. What did Greta and her Mum show at the check-in desk?
4. What happened while Greta was going through the metal detector?
5. On the aeroplane, Mum was reading a magazine, and what was Greta doing?
6. What happened when they arrived at Belfast?
Click to watch the video 👀👂➨VIDEO IRELAND

2 Activity
Open your Activity books on page 91. Complete exercises 1,2 and 3.

Listen to the song👂➨ AUDIO 147 to check your answers.

Check your answers ➨🔑ANSWER KEY PAGE 91

Activity 3 
Complete Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets:
Click on the links to download:
1.Vocabulary Worksheet
2. ➨ Grammar Worksheet

Check your answers ➨🔑ANSWER KEY WORKSHEETS
Now you're ready to complete the Unit 7 TEST!
