GOOD MONDAY! Let's check the Quiz you did on Friday: You can listen to the QUIZ once again Answer Key: 1. - b) A thermal effect 2. - b) Electrolysis 3. - a) A magnetic effect 4. - a) Electroplating 5. - b) The negative electrode. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITIES 30-03-2020 Today we're going to revise the topic "Electricity and magnetism" and take a Quiz! I'd like you to visit a website with fun facts, quizzes, games, and activities on a wide variety of topics. There you can find out about space, nature, science, technology, history and more. But today we're going to focus on Science and Magnets! First, read what you have to do during this lesson (1,2,3,4,5) and then, go to the website. 1. Click on the link to get to the Website → DK Find Out Science 2. Choose the topic "Magnets" 3. Take your time, browse the site, discover more facts about 4. In the end, take this 10-questio